Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc.

Historic Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Documents

Important Signed & Inscribed Books and Photographs


CLEVELAND, GROVER. (1837-1908). Twenty-second and twenty-fourth President of the United States (1885-9, 1893-7). Manuscript Document Signed, “Grover Cleveland.” 4 full pages. Legal folio. August 1, 1890. Between his non-consecutive terms as president, President Cleveland purchased the seaside estate in Cape Cod which later became the summer White House. A train station was built and a telegraph machine later installed to accommodate Cleveland’s visits. This deed is the agreement to purchase from Elizabeth Tudor, wife of Frederic Tudor, Jr., son of the “Ice King”, the property formerly known as “Tudor Haven.” Both Tudor and his wife signed the document. Bound at upper edge with two paper fasteners, in generally very fine condition.  Docketed on verso “Elizabeth Tudor and Grover Cleveland Agreement.”  The deed reads in full:


“AGREEMENT made this first day of August A.D. 1890 between Elizabeth Tudor, wife of William Tudor, of Weston, in the County of Middlesex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts first part, and Grover Cleveland, of the State of New York, of the second part. The party of the first part hereby agrees to sell, and the party of the second part to purchase, a certain estate situated in that part of Bourne, in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, known as Monument Neck, with the buildings thereon, and bounded as follows:  Westerly by Buzzards Bay, Northerly by Monument River, Easterly by land of the Old Colony Railroad Company, and Southerly by land of Parkinson, formerly Dykes, and by Cedar Pond and Greek and being lots 1 to 16 inclusive as shown on a plan of part of the town of Bourne, surveyed by Frederick Tutor, dated June 12, 1866, a copy of which is hereto attached, subject as to a portion of said premises to two mortgages, amounting in all to Fifteen thousand dollars, the interest of which is to be paid to date by the party of the first part. Lot 10 on said plan is subject to lease made to Isaac H. Barry et al. expiring October 1, 1909.   It is understood that the title to Lots 13 and 14, 15 and 16 are not at present vested in said party of the first part, but that she holds bonds for deed for said Lots 13 and 14, and is to do all acts necessary to obtain deed for the same, the party of the second part paying in addition to the sum hereinafter named as the purchase price of the whole estate, one-half the actual cost of obtaining title to said Lots 13 and 14. 

The record title to Lots 15 and 16 now stands in the name of William H. Klenke assignee of Frederic Tudor, but said party of the first part claims to have purchased the same of him, and will do all acts necessary to obtain deeds for the same at her own expense. It is also understood that the title to Lot No 7. is not vested in party of the first part, but that she holds a bond for a deed of the same, and will do all acts necessary to obtain the deed for same.  In case of the inability of the party of the first part to obtain deed of said Lots 7, 13, 14, 15 and 16 or either of them before November 15, 1890 for reasons for which she shall not be in fault, she is not to be held liable in damages for such failure, but this agreement shall then be void and of no effect unless the party of the second part shall agree to an extension of the same, with a similar provision as to damages.  A bill of sale of all farming implements and utensils, now on said real estate and the furnace in the dwelling house is to be given said party of the second part as a part of the above transaction.

Said premises are to be conveyed on or before November 15, 1890 by a good and sufficient quit-claim deed of the party of the first part with covenants against all persons claiming by, through or under her, conveying a good title to the same free from all encumbrances, except as aforesaid, satisfactory to said party of the second part. Said party of the first  part agrees at the time of said conveyance to furnish a policy of insurance upon title of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12, payable to said party of the second part from the Conveyancers Title Insurance Company for the sum of Eighteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars at her expense, subject to terms set forth in the written propositions of said Company, made under dates of July 7 and 10, 1890 hereto annexed, and for such deed, bill and sale and insurance and conveyance the party pf the second part is to pay the sum of Ten thousand of which Five hundred dollars have been paid this day and Ninety five hundred dollars are to be paid in cash upon the delivery of said deed, bill of sale and insurance policy.  All personal property of the party of the first part not herein agreed to be sold shall be removed from the premises on or before December 1st, 1890. Full possession, free of all tenants except as aforesaid, is to be delivered to the party of the second part at the time of the delivery of the deed, the said premises to be ten in the same condition in which they are now, reasonable use and wear of the buildings thereon and damages by fire or other unavailable casualty excepted.

The buildings on said premises shall, until the full performance of this agreement, to be kept insured in the sum of Forty five hundred dollars by the party of the first part in offices satisfactory to the party of the second part payable top the mortgagees named in said mortgages, and in case of any loss, all sums recovered or recoverable on account of said insurance beyond the claims of said mortgages shall be paid over or assigned, on delivery of the deed, to the party of the second part, unless the premises shall previously have been restored to their former condition by the party of the first part.  All expenses for the labor upon said Estate after the 31st July to be paid by said party of the second part. The taxes assessed for the year 1890 shall be paid by the party of the first part. The deed is to be delivered and the consideration paid, at the Registry of Deed, in the County of Barnstable, at twelve o’clock, noon, of the fifteenth day of November, 1890, unless the parties hereto agree in writing to some other time and place.  If the party of the first part shall be unable to give title or to make conveyance as above stipulated, and payments made under this agreement shall be refunded, and all other obligations of either party hereto shall cease without liability for damages, but the acceptance of a deed, bill of sale, and insurance policy by the party of the second part shall be deemed to be a full performance and discharge hereof. In consideration of the above, I William Tudor husband of the said Elizabeth Tudor, hereby agree to join in the deed to be made aforesaid, and to release top the party of the second part all right as tenant by the courtesy in the said premises.

In Witness Whereof the parties hereto, and to another instrument of like tenor, set their hands and seals on the day and year first above written.  In presence of:  Robert Homans /

 [Signed] Elizabeth Tudor /

 William Tudor /

 [Addenda in pen: “Words “forty five hundred” on third page inserted before delivery, Horace Corowell”]

 Grover Cleveland.”




Just superb, and a unique opportunity to own the deed to a Presidential home! Documents relating to the homes and residences of any of the Presidents: Mount Vernon, Ash Lawn, Grey Gables, Sagamore Hill, Monticello, the Hermitage, etc — rarely appear on the market place, and command great attention when they do.  A perfect gift for the real estate investor.  




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