EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D. (1890-1969). Thirty-fourth President of the United States (1953-61). Uncommon Autograph Letter Signed, “Ike”. Two full separate pages, quarto. No place, July 23, no year [1945]. Very fine condition. To “Darling” [his wife, Mamie]. Eisenhower writes:
“This is Monday morning and I was supposed to have gone on a trip. The weather is not so good but may possibly clear up.
Johnny has gone to work, temporarily, in the office here, since it seemed to be … to attach him to a unit for the short time he will be remaining. He has just 3 weeks more in this theater. He’s had quite a good time and has done some visiting while I’ve had the house filled up with V.I.P.s. For the past 6 nights I’ve had at least one important gent each night.
Saturday evening I received the first letter I’ve had from you since I came back. I was delighted except that you say you are ‘back in the dumps’. I don’t see how you could help it in Washington—from what I was able to see. Incidentally, through Stark I got a message from you saying the pup was not to be sent for a month. Without any explanation it was a bit on the embarrassing side for me, since I’d already promised to send him along. But we kept him here. Just when this conference in Berlin will break up only the Lord himself seems to know. As long as so many VIPs are about I am very much tied down. Please look after your health. I hope the place is not so hot as it was. All my love—I think of you all the time. Yours, always, Ike”.
30+ years ago we were the original source for this remarkable archive of letters from Ike’s war-time pen to Mamie. Presidential letters, from a husband to his wife, or to any intimate household member are highly desirable, as they offer insight into the personalities behind the public personae. Just wonderful!