Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc.

Historic Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Documents

Important Signed & Inscribed Books and Photographs


TAYLOR, BAYARD.  (1825-78).  American author; the first great American travel writer.  Remarkable Autograph Letter Signed, “Bayard Taylor”.  Two very full pages, large octavo.  “Capital of the Great Mogul (Delhi)”, January 26, 1853.  Very fine condition.  To “My dear Dana”.  [RICHARD HENRY DANA, famed author of: TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST].    Taylor writes:


“Behold me here at length, living in the shadow of the Conqueror of the World, and the Protector of Princes—the lineal descendant of Tamerlane, Baber and Akbar.  I am getting on famously in my Indian town, seeing much in little time, making acquaintances, ‘collecting facts’ (as an American would say), and receiving impressions.  This is a great country, but nothing to what it once was.  I am amazed at the splendid remains of Saracenic architecture, which I have met with here and at Agra: Syria and Stambuul [?] are tame in comparison.  The Alhambra approaches nearest to their perfection, but even it grows dim beside them.  I have no time for particulars, and you will get them all in the course of time.  With this you have four letters, which I think you will not find without a smack of ‘fresh fields’, etc.  I have been most hospitably received everywhere—at Agra by the Am. Missionaries, and here by Mr. Place, Ed. Delhi Gazette.  I was 6 days at Agra, and have been 4 here—leave this afternoon for Ronklin [?] (head of the great … Canal) and Landnoor, in the Himalayas.  Thence to Lucknoor, … and Calcutta, where I hope to be by Feb. 20.  My health is perfect, and I am delighted with India.  By the new lines of buggies which have been started, I can travel much faster than I anticipated.  To reach the Himalayas I am obliged to take a palanguin [?]  The whole trip of two weeks to the upper valley of the …, and the first … of the Himalayas will probably cost me from $70 to $80—but it is certainly worth making.  I can’t be so near the highest mountains in the world, and not see them.  I hope I shall find letters from you at Calcutta.  I shall get to Hong Kong by March 20, but fear I shall not have time to visit either Batavia, Borneo or Manila.  Be sure and send Tribunes frequently to Hong Kong.  Mr. Place would like to get a few copies of the paper, (which he has never seen) and I hope you will send him half a dozen nos.  I must close, as breakfast is ready, and after that operation, I am off for Delhi.  You will get more in a month from this.  India is full of material, and I shall make the most of it.  Sherer, Asst. Sec. to the Gov’t, sends his regards to Chas. Norton, whom he saw at Muttra.  I have found Curtis’s ‘Notes’, both here and at Agra.  ‘Eldorado’ has also penetrated this far.  My kindest remembrances to all.  Ever faithfully, Bayard Taylor”. 


Just fabulous!  A truly remarkable letter, that would make a choice addition for anyone with an interest in India, the Asian sub-continent, or the author/specialist collector.   



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