ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY. (1767-1848). Sixth President of the United States (1825-9). Attractive Autograph Letter Signed, “John Quincy Adams”. One page, quarto. Washington, D.C., June 6, 1836. Very fine condition. To “Col. Thomas Aspinwall, Consul of the United States, London”. Adams writes:
“Dear Sir, James H. Hammond Esq. the bearer of this letter, is a highly respected member of the House of Representatives of the United States from South Carolina. An infirm state of health interrupts I trust only for a season, his career, already distinguished in the public service, and by medical advice he purposes visiting England and France. I take pleasure in recommending him to your obliging attentions, and shall be grateful for any service that it may be in your power to render him. I am very respectfully, Dear Sir your obedient servant, John Quincy Adams”.