Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc.

Historic Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Documents

Important Signed & Inscribed Books and Photographs




WATT, JAMES.    (1736-1819) Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer whose improvements to the steam engine were fundamental to the Industrial Revolution; one of the great scientific minds of the 18th century.    Rare Autograph Letter Signed, “James Watt.”  One page, quarto. Birmingham, January 9, 1790.  To his Doctor.   Paper reinforced on verso center horizontal fold with tiny pin hole at top center and minor edge wear, else fine condition.   Watt writes:

“Dear Doctor,  I am very sorry you should have thought it necessary to return any part of what I considered as a very inadequate compensation for you extraordinary attention to the health of all this family for this last year, even allowing that the few trifles I could prevail with you to accept had been any proper return for your former attendance, but which I only wished you to consider as tokens of Mrs. Watt’s and my own gratitude for you attentive friendship. Though I feel myself concerned at you non acceptance of my offering, yet I cannot desire you to act contrary to you feelings, and I must at present content myself, by desiring you to accept of Mrs. Watt’s and my own most grateful thanks for your kind care of our own & family’s healths, hoping that at some future time it may be in our power to make more suitable returns than we have hitherto been able to do. Mrs. Watt joins me in best wishes for you Mrs. Withering and family & I remain always, Dear Sir, Your very affectionate friend, James Watt.”


This letter would make a wonderful gift for the medical professional who has a strong interest in the sciences.


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