Gerard A.J. Stodolski, Inc.

Historic Autograph Letters, Manuscripts & Documents

Important Signed & Inscribed Books and Photographs


DEGAS, EDGAR.  (1834-1917).  French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings, oil paintings, bronze sculptures, and prints; more than half of his works depict dancers or ballerinas. Superb Autograph Letter Signed, “Degas”.  Four full pages, octavo.  “Hotel Angleterre, Cauterets  [A French resort town in the Pyrenees], August 30”, no year. To Paul Abert Bartholome (1848-1928) French painter, who later turned to sculpture and from the 1870’s onward, instructed and assisted Degas with the wax models used for casting; after Degas’ death he supervised the casting off all Degas sculptures.   Degas writes:


“Please forgive me, dear Bartholomé, I always sit down to write to you when I am tired. Now I have written three letters, one to Mme Howland whom I had not sent word that I am alive, one to M.elle Cassatt (same Cas) [CASSATT, MARY.  (1844–1926). American painter and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists; lived much of her adult life in France where she befriended Edgar Degas; Cassatt often created images with a particular emphasis on the intimate bonds between mothers and children], and one to Mallarmé [Mallarme, Stephane. (1842-1898) Charismatic French literary figure, who was a friend and intimate with most of the Impressionist artists]. who pursues me about the dancer and who sent me the latest about our good and sweet American, his neighbor near Fontainebleau. Yet one has to merit good letters like yours through the work of one’s pen.

One generally says, and writes, ‘saw Dihau’  – ‘saw the Prince still faithful to Blau’.  Monday, the evening of Sigurd, I was in a classical concert, and orchestra with a few musicians, under the direction of Ch. Constantin. I avoid the Ironmaster, but I will go to the Mascotte anyway for the first time, I am preaching about it. What is so special about it all is that it is real theater, Pulcinella. On the esplanade at night, I am fascinated by it, but I don’t dare respond or speak to Pulcinella like the children sitting on benches, whose opinions Pulcinella listens to with disdain according to her mood. That is one of the best things about Cauterets, for the spirit perhaps the only one.

One glass of the Manhourat spring, half a glass at the Ballière first ten minutes earlier. And starting tomorrow I will add half a glass of Manhourat. If you see Clermont, tell him that I was seen by Evariste Michel this morning for the first time, And he was surprised to find improvement already, except on the left side. He thinks that the waters are having a good and quick effect on me.

Already nine days dejected; another ten days and I believe they’ll sent me off. After two days at Pau,  I will be sent to Paris like a letter.  —   Next time, I will start with you, and you will get more if not better.   Best,  Degas

You are quite right to be thinking about Lourdes. I have seen some unforgettable things.’’



Degas has always been one of the more difficult Impressionist artists to find letters of, especially with any content.  His correspondence with Bartholome  is of inestimable value in the understanding of Degas’ work and character.  Combine this with the mention of Cassatt and Mallarmé, and this letter is just choice, choice, choice!                           





Cauterets, 30 Août  Hotel Angleterre

Je vous demande pardon, mon cher Bartholomé,  je me mets toujours à vous écrire quand je suis fatigué. Voici trois lettres que j’écris, une à Mme Howland à laquelle je n’avais pas encore donné signe de vie, une à M.elle Cassatt (même Cas), et une à Mallarmé qui me poursuit pour la danseuse et qui m’envoyait des nouvelles de notre bonne et affectueuse Americaine, sa voisine près de Fontainebleau. Il faut cependant, par le travail de sa plume, mériter de bonnes lettres come les vôtres.

On dit, et on écrit généralement “vu Dihau” – “vu le Prince toujours fidèle à Blau. Lundi, le soir de Sigurd, j’étais au concert classique, orchestre de quelques musiciens, sous la direction de Ch. Constantin. J’évite le maître de forges, mais j’irai tout de même, à la Mascotte, pour la première fois, j’en fais le serment.  Ce qu’il y a de préférable à tout, c’est le vrai théâtre, Polichinelle. Sur l’Esplanade, le soir, je m’y attache, mais je n’ose répondre et parler à Polichinelle comme les enfants assis sur les bancs, et dont Polichinelle écoute du dédaigne les avis, suivant son humeur. C’est une des meilleurs choses de Cauterets, pour l’esprit, peut-être la seule.

Un verre à la source de Manhourat, un demi à la Ballière, d’abord, 10 minutes avant. Et même à partir de demain j’ajoute un demi verre à Manhourat. Si vous voyez Clermont, dites lui qu’Evariste Michel m’a vu ce matin pour la première fois, qu’il a trouvé déjà, ce qui l’a surpris, du mieux, à part le côté gauche. Il trouve l’effet des eaux bon et rapide sur moi.

Déjà neuf jours d’abattus; encore une dizaine et je compte bien qu’on me renverra. Après deux jours à Pau, je filerai sur Paris comme une lettre.

La prochaine fois, je commencerai par vous et vous aurez plus forte part, sinon meilleure.

Amitiés  Degas  —  Vous avez bien raison de penser à Lourdes. J’ai vu des choses ineffaçables.

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